Later Sowing

         Dad admitted to me once that when Grandad bought their first tractor in the late 1920s, it was the greatest day of his life up till then! Dad was a "machinery" man all his days, and also admitted that he hated dealing with the horses. Dad's notes below - and the amount of photos featuring it - speak volumes on how much this young man was impressed by this wonder of modern engineering!

Mr E H Edmonds' 18-36 Australian Special Hart Parr
tractor working a 14 disc Sundercut on the property
of Day Bros Pygery Sth Aus
(and on another copy...)
Our tractor and sundercut

Mr E H Edmonds' 18-36 Australian Special
Hart Parr tractor working a 20 run Sun combine
on the property of Day Bros Pygery Sth Aus
[Note home made extension mud guards used when using extension rims].
(and on another copy...)
This is the tractor and combine busy "combining"
[a "combine" cultivates the ground and sows the seed
in one operation.] JHE

Mr E H Edmonds' 18-36 Australian Special
Hart Parr tractor working a 24 disc Shearer drill
on his property at Pygery Sth Aus
