The Later Years

         This series is from the 1938 - 1946 period, the studio portraits done in Pt Lincoln, and the others on the Edmonds farm 'Yardookra' at Pygery. Dad wrote on the backs of many of them, but not all.

Mabel Jane Edmonds [nee Haines], wife of
 Ernest Harry Edmonds, mother of John Hinton,
 Ralph Haines, Raymond Franklin,
 Gwenyth Cecelia Mabel [Mrs Moxon]

Ernest Harry Edmonds

Our family, including Dad's sister second from left.
(Grandad's sister is Flo Dawson)

Jack Ralph Gwen

Mum Gerald Ralph

Dad & Daryl, Ralph & Gerald

Jack Ralph Ray Gwen

Gwen Edmonds

Ray Edmonds


Mum Daryl Ray

(Grandad and his sister Flo Dawson)

(Grandma Edmonds with Laurie [Ralph's son]
and Murray [Jack's son] on the farm c1940)

(Grandma and Grandad with Murray)

(Ray, Jack, Ralph, and Gwen)

(L to R - Jack, Ella, Gr Osborn, Gr Edmonds, Grandad,
Rose [Ralph's wife], with Gwen in front with
Laurie and Murray. Presume Ray took the snap?)

(Ray, Gwen, Jack in uniform, Ralph, Grandad
and Grandma in front c1941, at Yardookra)

(Grandad, Jack, Murray)

(Grandad and Grandma Edmonds)

(Ray and Jo and Daryl)

(Grandad and Grandma, with ??)